Sea Cargo

Kluship Logistics specializes in all types of sea freight including FCL, LCL and oversize cargo from all major ports across the world. We provide a reliable and cost-effective sea freight solution tailored to meet your requirements. We offer sea freight service for all types of goods for import and export to and from Canada.

Why Choose Us

Individual Supply Chain Solutions

We approach each client and account individually. Our personalized approach is also applied in contractual documentation, price and payment terms.

Careful Handling Of Valuable Goods

We offer high-value freight and transport services designed specifically for pharma, technology, hardware, solar, trade show and event sectors.

Cargo Security

We work with selected and reputable freight service providers who keep continuous track of your merchandise while in transit.

Best Logistics

We suggest the best and most effective solution for the given situation, regardless of customs, freight and transportation services.