Logistics Services

As soon as your goods land in Canada, Kluship Logistics delivers them to customers and clients in every corner of the country

Our transport and logistics services cover both air and land transport, ensuring your goods are delivered exactly where they need to be.

We can accommodate all vehicle requirements, including:

  • - FCL movements via Skel Trailers or Side Loader
  • - Daily movements for LCL and Air freight
  • - Daily collections and lodgements of aircraft units to all CTOs

Freight transportation plays a vital role in any supply chain, and while it can be increasingly complex, precise and accurate management ensures success. In an increasingly globalized supply chain, the logistics services we provide must exceed your expectations and satisfaction.

Most transport companies offer the same things, the same services, the same way. But Kluship Logistics is different – and it comes down to the people we have and what they offer you. We deliver the best experience, not only at delivery but also throughout the entire process with everyone we interact with.

Don’t think of us as just a freight company – we increase efficiency and ROI for you whilst maintaining a seamless logistics experience. We are everything you need for logistics.