Domestic Cargo

Kluship Logistics’ nationwide freight services will ensure your goods get delivered exactly where they need to be, on time.

Our main goal is to ensure your goods are safely, cost-effectively, and efficiently freighted to every corner of Canada. Accurate planning, strategizing, and ongoing tracking are the three core components that make your interstate freight services seamless from start to finish.

Delicate, valuable, or bulky goods can all be freighted across the country between states with Kluship Logistics, and depending on your specific needs as well as your budget, freight can be moved via:

  • · Rail
  • · Road
  • · Air

Kluship Logistics can move your goods by road through both LCL services and FCL services. National coverage, including regional areas, ensures no corner of Canada is out of reach.

Crucial to the success of your business, a painstakingly methodical logistics solution from Kluship Logistics removes the burden associated with moving goods across the country from state to state.

Remember, once your goods land in Canada, Kluship Logistics fills the last piece in your logistics puzzle, moving your freight where it needs to go, including interstate.